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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Let's do it all over again...

Here it is, the first day of the new year. What goals do I place on the calendar? Which will be fulfilled? Which will fall back in line for next year's list?

Every year I write down my hopes, wishes and goals, place them in a self-addressed stamped envelope and wait until a few days before the next new year to mail it. Usually I don't remember what I wrote, but there are a few that make the list every year. Lose weight, be more patient and stop procrastinating. Hmmm.

This year I'm going to keep one of the golden oldies "procrastination.". I figure if I work on that one I'll have a better chance at succeeding at the others that have followed me for years. So, tomorrow I'll get started.

Cheers and Happy New Year to all, and to all a good night!

Monday, December 20, 2010

The Spirit of Christmas

Now, before you assume you know where this is going, read on.  This is what I find.  Most people don't know who you are no matter how much you try, communicate, execute, travel, buy for, love, etc. . .

I don't know about you, but I find this time of year extremely pressure filled.  My family and friends are spread across the US like the star of David.  Then there is the extended family I married in to; and, let us not forget the varied personalities.  How do you keep yourself happy and the rest of the menagerie?  Now, that's the trick. 

This year the gift I give myself is not that cashmere sweater or patent leather shoes.  The gift I will give myself is acceptance.  Acceptance of the way things are.  The crazy behavior of strangers, family and friends.  The acceptance of being misunderstood and not understanding others or their motives.

Acceptance is the key to all my problems.

God bless you all this season. . .Valentines Day is right around the corner. . .