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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Let's do it all over again...

Here it is, the first day of the new year. What goals do I place on the calendar? Which will be fulfilled? Which will fall back in line for next year's list?

Every year I write down my hopes, wishes and goals, place them in a self-addressed stamped envelope and wait until a few days before the next new year to mail it. Usually I don't remember what I wrote, but there are a few that make the list every year. Lose weight, be more patient and stop procrastinating. Hmmm.

This year I'm going to keep one of the golden oldies "procrastination.". I figure if I work on that one I'll have a better chance at succeeding at the others that have followed me for years. So, tomorrow I'll get started.

Cheers and Happy New Year to all, and to all a good night!

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